
Home Radiology


The Radiology department consists of the highest standards of excellence. It ensures accuracy in determining the prognosis on which depends the subsequent treatment for the condition. This allows the doctors to devise every aspect of the surgery well in advance. Therefore, it is crucial for our Radiology Department to consist of the latest equipment handled by the most qualified doctors in the field. Our team of specialist doctors from all fields are highly qualified and readily accessible to cater to your medical needs.

When do I book an appointment with MHF?

  • X-ray
  • 64 SLICE MDCT scan (multiple, computerized X-rays)
  • 3D/4D Ultrasound (sound waves)

The Radiology unit offers complete range of diagnostic and radiology services, while maintaining focused care and values of safety.

Our radiologist possesses not only general expertise but also subspecialty experience. The practice provider is an expert in all aspects of X-ray imaging. Our doctor is well-versed with cutting-edge diagnostic imaging techniques and advanced interventional radiological techniques.

Patients will most likely see a radiologist after a recommendation from another doctor for any of the above mentioned scans. This imaging can make surgical procedures safer and lead to a quick recovery. The doctors at MHF can also help interpret different images to make accurate assessment of the diagnosis and to monitor whether the on-going treatments are effective.

Book Appointment

    Mindray DC-80 X-Insight Diagnostics Ultrasound

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